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ICO News

Catch up on the latest happenings at ICO.

SA Community Service Board Needs Our Help

The Annual Holiday Food Drive kicked off this week, and goes until Tuesday, Dec. 2. They’re collecting non-perishable food items to support the St. James Food Pantry, which serves food to low income families and elderly people in need of assistance. Suggested items include canned fruit, vegetables, tuna and meat; cereal; boxed dinners; soup; pasta; pasta sauce; and peanut butter.

As soon as the food drive ends, the Holiday Clothing Drive begins. It starts Tuesday, Dec. 2 and goes through Tuesday, Jan. 6. If the last few days are any indication, this winter is going to be COLD. For all you students going home for winter break, keep an eye out for any items you may no longer need.

Last but not least, this year the board would like to start a new tradition: They want to adopt about 20 at-risk individuals, aged 18-21, for Christmas. These youth are part of an organization called ChildServ. The goal is for people from ICO to adopt one person and buy them gifts for Christmas; you can do it on your own or in a group. Gifts don’t have to be extravagant, and you’ll receive information about your individual in advance. Before the board commits to ChildServ, they’d like to gauge interest. If you’d like to take part, or have any questions, please email Umema Ahmed by the end of the week. All donations are greatly appreciated!

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