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The EyePod

Labs have never been more real.



The Eyepod is a state-of-the-art facility that offers students 38 ophthalmic teaching lanes with specialized lighting in two eye labs, individual assessment rooms for clinical testing, five teaching laboratories with separate preparation space, six research laboratories, and study and lounge areas with views of downtown Chicago.



Explore a few of our EyePod labs.

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A second year practices her BIO skills on a fellow student as Dr. Foreman supervises.

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Students learn the fundamentals of a complete eye exam from entrance testing to an ocular health evaluation.

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A student prepares supplies for a contact lens lab.

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A student practices her cover test skills as Dr. Baker supervises.

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Dr. Wyles observers a 2nd year student perform tonometry with a Tonopen®

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Dr. Speilburg walks a student through the day’s lab assignment.

The Eyepod provides secure access until midnight, and lab assistants are available to make sure practice makes perfect!

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