Why ICO?
The Illinois College of Optometry and the Illinois Eye Institute Provide the best in optometric education for students and clinical care for patients. I am fortunate to be surrounded by colleagues that are passionate about providing care for patients and inspiring students to become incredible optometrists.
Dr. Matchinski graduated from the Illinois College of Optometry in 1995 and went on to a Vision Rehabilitation residency at the William Feinbloom Low Vision Rehabilitation Center of the Pennsylvania College of Optometry. Since completing her residency in 1996, she has practiced low vision rehabilitation full time. She practices at both The Chicago Lighthouse for the Blind and the Illinois College of Optometry. At the optometry school she teaches the vision rehabilitation course and lab as well as provides care in the Rosenbloom Center. Dr. Matchinski is an Associate Professor and a Low Vision Diplomate of the American Academy of Optometry. She is the World Council of Optometry Low Vision representative to the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness. She has published and lectured both nationally and internationally on Low Vision Rehabilitation. She is also active in community service with VOSH, Volunteer Optometric Services to Humanity. She is immediate past president of VOSH/International and VOSH Illinois. She does local and international volunteer clinics throughout the year. Outside of work, she is an avid traveler and dachshund mom.
Special Interests
Low Vision Rehabilitation, Volunteer Optometric Services to Humanity
BS at University of Wisconsin-River Fall
Optometry Degree, Illinois College of Optometry
Residency program Salus University
Full time ICO, consultant at The Chicago Lighthouse for People who are blind or visually impaired
Awards & Honors
William Feinbloom Low Vision Award
1995, Pennsylvania College of Optometry Humanitarian of the Year
2015, Illinois College of Optometry Vision Excellence Award
2020, The International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness
Professional Organizations
American Academy of Optometry
American Optometric Association
ASCO Low Vision Education Special Interest Group
Illinois Optometric Association
Illinois Parents of the Visually Impaired
Illinois Society for the Prevention of Blindness
National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation
Voluntary Optometry Services to Humanity Illinois
Voluntary Optometry Services to Humanity International
Matchinski, T. “Low Vision Systems I: Microscopes and Magnifiers” pp.201-234 in Essentials of Low Vision Practice, ed. Richard Brilliant, O.D., F.A.A.O., Butterworth-Heinemann, 1998.
Kammer, R, Jamara R, Kollbaum E, Matchinski, T, Flom, R. The Development of Entry Level Low Vision Rehabilitation Competencies in Optometric Education. Optometric Education 79 Volume 35, Number 3 / Summer 2010 pp 98-107.
Matchinski, TL and Winters, JE (2016). A Comparison of Subjects’ Reading and Writing Performance and Preference While Using Various Portable Electronic Magnifiers. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 110(6), 454-460.
Winters JE, Matchinski TL, Squier KA. Corectopia: Color vision deficiency among adults attending a vision rehabilitation clinic. Optom Vis Perf 2017;5(3):167-73.
Winters JE, Matchinski TL, McGowan, M. Assessment of Motion Sickness Among those with Albinism. Vision Dev & Rehab 2017: 3(3):179-88.
Vezinaw, C, Elias S, Matchinski TL. Preferences and Reading Performance of People with Low Vision using a Portable Electronic Magnifier versus a Smartphone Magnification App. Optometry & Visual Performance. Optom Vis Per 2019; 7(1)53-8.
Matchinski TL, Rimkus JJ, Theisen KM. Case Report: Adaptation of a Telescope with a Minus Lens Cap for Highly Myopic Patient. Optom Vis Sci 2019; Vol 96(6).
Matchinski TL, Crumbliss KE. “Vision Rehabilitation” in Vision Therapy: Theory and Management, Editor Longxi Liu, OD, MD, PhD. People Health Publish, China, 2019, pages 124-181.
Appel S, Matchinski TL, Rodriquez N. Special Considerations when providing care for Children, people with multiple impairments and geriatrics. In: Jamara R, Matchinski T, Hinkley S, Citek K eds. Low Vision Rehabilitation. Boulder: Ridgevue Publishing; 2019:156–214. http://books.apple.com/book/id1136351575.
Alexopoulos, D and Matchinski TL. (2021): A case of ablepharon macrostomia syndrome requiring multidisciplinary care, Clinical and Experimental Optometry, DOI: 10.1080/08164622.2021.1878839